NEIRA BANDA ISLAND IS BEAUTYFULBanda Naira Island is the main island in the Banda archipelago. though not the largest island, this island is the capital of Banda district. the city itself was named Naira or some people call Neira, located south of the island. in the northern part there is nutmeg plantation area named Lautaka and Mangkubatu.
Banda is an exotic island in addition to its beauty is not only below but also the panoramic ocean, if you can bilank banda no less beautiful to the tourism in Bali or in other countries, has many traditional banda one that is:
BANDA Naira. Wash Parigi tradition commonly known as Heritage or the State ROFAERWAR Lonthoir, Central Maluku Banda Naira the attention of local and foreign tourists. Which is an annual tradition that attracted 10 people from various areas, including communities of Maluku, Sulawesi and Java. Not to forget the tourists from various countries took part in a tradition that is filled with magical atmosphere. The interesting thing is each time a tradition carried out, visiting tens of thousands of visitors from different regions and different countries. As information Parigi Estate have a unique story of the State of Banda Naira is Lonthoir Parigi (Well), located on a hill and has a very cool water. The wells were observed carefully when the head looks like a cat. Magical stories from the wells, where water is dried at one time there will be a huge disaster that will befall one of the country or the world. God knows best. In prosesinya, Parigi Estate elephant is washed with a cloth - a white cloth 99 feet long - and paraded - by all persons present at that - to the beach. In addition to tradition there are a total wash Parigi traditional activities such as the Kora-Kora Contest (Zebra) and some other activities, including "kasnai chief mosque" is performed several days before ROFAERWAR.other than that there are many historical places that are eaten one time:
Parigi Rante May 8, 1621 .......
In 1511, Admiral Alfonso de Albuquerque (Portuguese explorer) according to the King of Portugal sent du command ships, each led by Antonio de Abreu and Francisco Serrao to Maluku to Banda Naira find as it is written in the travel notes Francisco Serrao;
"In mid-January 1512 we came on the island of Banda Naira is so beautiful. So many Western adventurers attempt to discover an island paradise like this, which is rich with nutmeg, but we found a meritorious success. But what a shock when we learned that the Moro (Muslim Arabs) who for so long at war with us, have arrived in Banda Naira 100 years before us "(Writing in the logbook Francisco Serrao)
Spice of Banda Naira previously purchased by the traders of Malay, Chinese and Arabic, and then shipped to the Persian Gulf, transported by caravan to the Mediterranean Sea and spread through Constantinople (Istanbul) and Genoa (Venice). Through the caravan mainland China, history proves that the Chinese ships were in Banda Naira approximately 600 years before the Portuguese arrived (Van der Chijs, JA, van Het Nederlandsche Devestiging Gezeg over de Banda Eilanden, Batavia, 1886).
According to historians usually record, and especially the Portuguese historian, in the Moluccas Islands in the years 1512-1605 was the "century of the Portuguese full of bloodshed and terror that a shame" (Dasseri, M., De Nederlanders in de Molukken, Utrech 1040).
Order Seventeen Gentlemen (Heeren Zeventien) is the director of the VOC in Amsterdam to Admiral Pieterszoon Verhoeven contains the following:
"We direct your attention particularly to the islands where the growing of cloves and nutmeg, and we order you to win the islands for the VOC either by negotiation or by force"(Frederik WAS, Geschiedenis van Nederlandsch Indie, V. III, Amsterdam 1938-1940).
Verhoeven expedition arrived in Banda Naira in early April 1609 with 13 ships. Verhoeven leads at least 1000 armed men. In a dispute that happened to Rich People Banda, Verhoeven, Opperkoopman (senior trader) Jacob van Netherlands Groenwegen and 26 other people were killed. According to the history of Banda, BHOI Kherang, daughter of King Lautaka behind the incident. At the time of the January Pieterszon Coen clerk Verhoeven was almost killed (Des Alwi, History of Maluku, 2005).
After January Pieterszon Coen became the new Governor General of the VOC, the fate of Banda entirely in his hands. Coen is a strong leader and has a principle, "which is a real strength", and he is strong and true to conquer Banda, England, and Batavia. Originally the vision of its predecessor the unjust, violent and inhuman, which has designed a master plan to strengthen the Dutch rule over all Asia. In 1621 Coen departure from Batavia to Ambon and Banda. They arrived at Fort Nassau February 27. Within 10 days Coen assemble a fleet consisting of 13 large ships, three small ships and yachts 6. European team of 1665 people, 250 men from the garrison Banda, 226 prisoners from Java and 100 Japanese mercenaries.
On March 11, 1621, Coen landed the troops at 6 points apart, with the aim of confusing the Banda who survive and dominate key posts. On the day of Banda Besar Utu is the master. The next day, March 12, Coen team stormed and took control of the defense-defense of the last people there. Coen demands that they knock down the fortifications of defense, handed over all weapons, stop inciting and surrender their sons as hostages. In this tense atmosphere, a great Lonthoir Rich, Kalabaka Maniasa Coen premises facing the board captain, that Banda would not bow and surrender.
Marine Lieutenant Nicolas van Waert an eyewitness full of anxiety and fear, reports of events that occurred on May 8, 1961 as follows:
"Forty-four prisoners being led into the fort (Fort Nassau) are like a flock of sheep. Eight of the most influential man accused of triggering the riot. A round bamboo cages built outside the castle. While tightly bound with ropes and guarded by a guardian, the prisoners were forced into. they read the sentence out loud in front of them, that they had conspired to kill the Governor General Jan Pieterszoon Coen, and has decided the peace agreement.
Six executioners Japanese soldiers ordered into a bamboo fence and they are cut and dissect the body of the eighth abdominal rich man with a sharp blade into four sections. While thirty-six other prisoners also suffered the same fate, beheaded and cut into pieces. Execution is horrified to see, the rich man died without producing a word, but one of them with tegarnya said the masters (do so), do not feel guilty?. The VOC did not have to feel guilty even less compassion. Heads and pieces of their bodies that were executed were anchored at the ends of bamboo and dipertotonkan to the public.Only God knows, who is right "(Luc Kiers. Coen op Banda: Qonqueste an Hetrech de Tijd van Den, Utrecht, 1943).
Execution is carried out according to unofficial order Heeren Zeventien in 1615 saying that: the success of Banda Naira Island colonize and dominate the spice there is a way to spend or eliminate the leadership of elder people in a big way so that the leadership has not abandoned the match. According to historical records, cruelty Jan Pieterszoon Coen in Banda has spent approximately 60% of the people of Banda population 14,000 souls.
Jan Pieterszoon Coen, Heeren Zeventien, VOCs are a set of names cruel, pitiless, barbaric and inhuman, which has caused the blood flow in the Banda martyrs defending dignity and sovereignty of this land .... Banda.Another very popular are:Fortress BELGICA
The presence of the Dutch in Banda Island group is shown with the Fort Belgica. Its function is to protect and defend the right Portuguese built Fort Nassau native of Banda attacks.Ambiguities in the Eastern world has moved past the imagination of the Portuguese sailors to marine tis a long journey not berpeta. Of myth and legend, which is spoken by their ancestors, the sailor was trying to find a new dream land for picking "golden fruit" is still hidden in the Great East World. Perhaps the Moorish quarter of the blood flow in the body they live and inherit the refusal to live in cold regions.The people who like to trade it immediately went looking for new areas, the hot weather at the end opposite the open ocean. After passing the Cape of Good Hope (Cape of Good Hope), the group stopped and shared in Calicut, India, before the anchor and settled in the land of dream city of Malacca. This is where the Portuguese sailor kissing the fragrant spices of the merchant Java, Maluku, Chinese and Arabic. And aromatic fragrance that ever kissed the Portuguese sailors in the market arena, Persia, Constantinople and Venice, which is also a popular business cities in the world.This tale about harumnya spices in the Moluccas Islands Alfonso de Albuquerque to immediately prepare the fleet and armies. Ford expedition started with the Java Sea, the Sunda IslandsSmall, Ambon, and finally stopped at Ternate, a place believed to be the producer of nutmeg and mace (mace). And when I heard that Banda is a central "gold mine", he sent Antonio de Abreau andto conduct reconnaissance mission over there.The two envoys are apparently so easily accepted the local community, especially the merchants and Indigenous Elders are respected. They found no difficulty in obtaining the expected Nutmeg and mace. Moreover, the price of spices in the Banda Islands when it was very cheap, so that the Portuguese traders expect will acquire keuntimgan approaching 1000 percent in the Lisbon market.As a special habit of Portuguese to leave the memories of a place of transit, they built a fort which is not only used as a heading, but also storage and equipment needs. In Neira (Banda Neira) they are not left behind in 1527 built a fort called Fort Nassau. The fort was the founder Captain Garcia is not only used as a foreground cluster strength in accordance with its strategic location on the coast but also as a warehouse stockpiles of the land they got from the Banda Islands.Fragrant spices in the Banda Islands, not only of interest to the Portuguese nation. In 1599, the Dutch under the command of Rear Admiral Jacob van Heemskerk, with 200 dealers, the army and the crew NederlanddanZeeland, drop off Orantata, Lonthor Islands (Banda Besar). Thus, the Banda Islands in the 16th century has been the arena of Western nation meeting, which is also the beginning of the process of East-West harmony.The presence of Van Heemskerk not much different from its predecessors. Although he personally did not like the indigenous cultures that rarely bathing and wearing almost no clothes, but he and his men are very easily accepted by indigenous Banda. Sympathy is accomplished by giving gifts to heads of villages and Indigenous Elders are: mirrors, knives,crystal glasses, ammunition and a number of red velvet. The allure of such a simple indigenous Banda nyerahkan me the results of existing land. Even people willing to meet the demands of Banda nutmeg and mace in the grand total.The Dutch seem to be more independent of nutmeg and mace to obtain in large quantities, especially the relatively cheap price. Netherlands to buy nutmeg at 6.45 real (Dutch silver dollars) per Bahar (522 pounds Netherlands) and mace worth 60 real per Bahar. Even when there is price inflation, but the Dutch somewhat comforted by the profit to be achieved (less than 500 percent) in the Amsterdam market.Banda Islands and then into the public arena with a large retail traders Portu gis, Chinese, Dutch, English (under the command of James Lancaster 1601) and Malay. Generally the traders to bring the various items that match the needs of people with the desire and the climate of the Banda Islands. Javanese batik traders brought, India had a drab, Chinese porcelain and other ingredients to bring drugs, the Dutch brought wool and velvet.Conversely, the presence of Dutch people are quickly familiar with the indigenous people, make sense of envy of other traders. When Fort Nassau fell to the Dutch and then let the natives as a storage warehouse of nutmeg and mace, this condition caused a split between the Dutch and the natives of Banda. Overcome this situation, the Netherlands and built a castle on the back of Fort Nassau, Fort Nassau as a protector when there is an attack from the natives.Pieter Both are arriving in Banda on 26 April 1611 with 11 fleet and then became the first Banda Gubemur General, it is necessary to establish a fort (Fort) was Belgica. According to the fort was named Fort Belgica by Pieter Both to commemorate his birth region in Belgium (Flams).Parking was a strategic stronghold, the convenience of the Netherlands provide oversight to all corners of the Banda Islands. Fort Belgica in the middle of the page there is an underground wells and tunnels that direct flower berhu Fort Nassau, which is located on the beach Neira. Built with natural materials available in the land of Banda Neira and designed according to tastes and techniques of the Dutch at the time, so be Fort Belgica as we see today.
Banda is an exotic island in addition to its beauty is not only below but also the panoramic ocean, if you can bilank banda no less beautiful to the tourism in Bali or in other countries, has many traditional banda one that is:
BANDA Naira. Wash Parigi tradition commonly known as Heritage or the State ROFAERWAR Lonthoir, Central Maluku Banda Naira the attention of local and foreign tourists. Which is an annual tradition that attracted 10 people from various areas, including communities of Maluku, Sulawesi and Java. Not to forget the tourists from various countries took part in a tradition that is filled with magical atmosphere. The interesting thing is each time a tradition carried out, visiting tens of thousands of visitors from different regions and different countries. As information Parigi Estate have a unique story of the State of Banda Naira is Lonthoir Parigi (Well), located on a hill and has a very cool water. The wells were observed carefully when the head looks like a cat. Magical stories from the wells, where water is dried at one time there will be a huge disaster that will befall one of the country or the world. God knows best. In prosesinya, Parigi Estate elephant is washed with a cloth - a white cloth 99 feet long - and paraded - by all persons present at that - to the beach. In addition to tradition there are a total wash Parigi traditional activities such as the Kora-Kora Contest (Zebra) and some other activities, including "kasnai chief mosque" is performed several days before ROFAERWAR.other than that there are many historical places that are eaten one time:
Parigi Rante May 8, 1621 .......
In 1511, Admiral Alfonso de Albuquerque (Portuguese explorer) according to the King of Portugal sent du command ships, each led by Antonio de Abreu and Francisco Serrao to Maluku to Banda Naira find as it is written in the travel notes Francisco Serrao;
"In mid-January 1512 we came on the island of Banda Naira is so beautiful. So many Western adventurers attempt to discover an island paradise like this, which is rich with nutmeg, but we found a meritorious success. But what a shock when we learned that the Moro (Muslim Arabs) who for so long at war with us, have arrived in Banda Naira 100 years before us "(Writing in the logbook Francisco Serrao)
Spice of Banda Naira previously purchased by the traders of Malay, Chinese and Arabic, and then shipped to the Persian Gulf, transported by caravan to the Mediterranean Sea and spread through Constantinople (Istanbul) and Genoa (Venice). Through the caravan mainland China, history proves that the Chinese ships were in Banda Naira approximately 600 years before the Portuguese arrived (Van der Chijs, JA, van Het Nederlandsche Devestiging Gezeg over de Banda Eilanden, Batavia, 1886).
According to historians usually record, and especially the Portuguese historian, in the Moluccas Islands in the years 1512-1605 was the "century of the Portuguese full of bloodshed and terror that a shame" (Dasseri, M., De Nederlanders in de Molukken, Utrech 1040).
Order Seventeen Gentlemen (Heeren Zeventien) is the director of the VOC in Amsterdam to Admiral Pieterszoon Verhoeven contains the following:
"We direct your attention particularly to the islands where the growing of cloves and nutmeg, and we order you to win the islands for the VOC either by negotiation or by force"(Frederik WAS, Geschiedenis van Nederlandsch Indie, V. III, Amsterdam 1938-1940).
Verhoeven expedition arrived in Banda Naira in early April 1609 with 13 ships. Verhoeven leads at least 1000 armed men. In a dispute that happened to Rich People Banda, Verhoeven, Opperkoopman (senior trader) Jacob van Netherlands Groenwegen and 26 other people were killed. According to the history of Banda, BHOI Kherang, daughter of King Lautaka behind the incident. At the time of the January Pieterszon Coen clerk Verhoeven was almost killed (Des Alwi, History of Maluku, 2005).
After January Pieterszon Coen became the new Governor General of the VOC, the fate of Banda entirely in his hands. Coen is a strong leader and has a principle, "which is a real strength", and he is strong and true to conquer Banda, England, and Batavia. Originally the vision of its predecessor the unjust, violent and inhuman, which has designed a master plan to strengthen the Dutch rule over all Asia. In 1621 Coen departure from Batavia to Ambon and Banda. They arrived at Fort Nassau February 27. Within 10 days Coen assemble a fleet consisting of 13 large ships, three small ships and yachts 6. European team of 1665 people, 250 men from the garrison Banda, 226 prisoners from Java and 100 Japanese mercenaries.
On March 11, 1621, Coen landed the troops at 6 points apart, with the aim of confusing the Banda who survive and dominate key posts. On the day of Banda Besar Utu is the master. The next day, March 12, Coen team stormed and took control of the defense-defense of the last people there. Coen demands that they knock down the fortifications of defense, handed over all weapons, stop inciting and surrender their sons as hostages. In this tense atmosphere, a great Lonthoir Rich, Kalabaka Maniasa Coen premises facing the board captain, that Banda would not bow and surrender.
Marine Lieutenant Nicolas van Waert an eyewitness full of anxiety and fear, reports of events that occurred on May 8, 1961 as follows:
"Forty-four prisoners being led into the fort (Fort Nassau) are like a flock of sheep. Eight of the most influential man accused of triggering the riot. A round bamboo cages built outside the castle. While tightly bound with ropes and guarded by a guardian, the prisoners were forced into. they read the sentence out loud in front of them, that they had conspired to kill the Governor General Jan Pieterszoon Coen, and has decided the peace agreement.
Six executioners Japanese soldiers ordered into a bamboo fence and they are cut and dissect the body of the eighth abdominal rich man with a sharp blade into four sections. While thirty-six other prisoners also suffered the same fate, beheaded and cut into pieces. Execution is horrified to see, the rich man died without producing a word, but one of them with tegarnya said the masters (do so), do not feel guilty?. The VOC did not have to feel guilty even less compassion. Heads and pieces of their bodies that were executed were anchored at the ends of bamboo and dipertotonkan to the public.Only God knows, who is right "(Luc Kiers. Coen op Banda: Qonqueste an Hetrech de Tijd van Den, Utrecht, 1943).
Execution is carried out according to unofficial order Heeren Zeventien in 1615 saying that: the success of Banda Naira Island colonize and dominate the spice there is a way to spend or eliminate the leadership of elder people in a big way so that the leadership has not abandoned the match. According to historical records, cruelty Jan Pieterszoon Coen in Banda has spent approximately 60% of the people of Banda population 14,000 souls.
Jan Pieterszoon Coen, Heeren Zeventien, VOCs are a set of names cruel, pitiless, barbaric and inhuman, which has caused the blood flow in the Banda martyrs defending dignity and sovereignty of this land .... Banda.Another very popular are:Fortress BELGICA
The presence of the Dutch in Banda Island group is shown with the Fort Belgica. Its function is to protect and defend the right Portuguese built Fort Nassau native of Banda attacks.Ambiguities in the Eastern world has moved past the imagination of the Portuguese sailors to marine tis a long journey not berpeta. Of myth and legend, which is spoken by their ancestors, the sailor was trying to find a new dream land for picking "golden fruit" is still hidden in the Great East World. Perhaps the Moorish quarter of the blood flow in the body they live and inherit the refusal to live in cold regions.The people who like to trade it immediately went looking for new areas, the hot weather at the end opposite the open ocean. After passing the Cape of Good Hope (Cape of Good Hope), the group stopped and shared in Calicut, India, before the anchor and settled in the land of dream city of Malacca. This is where the Portuguese sailor kissing the fragrant spices of the merchant Java, Maluku, Chinese and Arabic. And aromatic fragrance that ever kissed the Portuguese sailors in the market arena, Persia, Constantinople and Venice, which is also a popular business cities in the world.This tale about harumnya spices in the Moluccas Islands Alfonso de Albuquerque to immediately prepare the fleet and armies. Ford expedition started with the Java Sea, the Sunda IslandsSmall, Ambon, and finally stopped at Ternate, a place believed to be the producer of nutmeg and mace (mace). And when I heard that Banda is a central "gold mine", he sent Antonio de Abreau andto conduct reconnaissance mission over there.The two envoys are apparently so easily accepted the local community, especially the merchants and Indigenous Elders are respected. They found no difficulty in obtaining the expected Nutmeg and mace. Moreover, the price of spices in the Banda Islands when it was very cheap, so that the Portuguese traders expect will acquire keuntimgan approaching 1000 percent in the Lisbon market.As a special habit of Portuguese to leave the memories of a place of transit, they built a fort which is not only used as a heading, but also storage and equipment needs. In Neira (Banda Neira) they are not left behind in 1527 built a fort called Fort Nassau. The fort was the founder Captain Garcia is not only used as a foreground cluster strength in accordance with its strategic location on the coast but also as a warehouse stockpiles of the land they got from the Banda Islands.Fragrant spices in the Banda Islands, not only of interest to the Portuguese nation. In 1599, the Dutch under the command of Rear Admiral Jacob van Heemskerk, with 200 dealers, the army and the crew NederlanddanZeeland, drop off Orantata, Lonthor Islands (Banda Besar). Thus, the Banda Islands in the 16th century has been the arena of Western nation meeting, which is also the beginning of the process of East-West harmony.The presence of Van Heemskerk not much different from its predecessors. Although he personally did not like the indigenous cultures that rarely bathing and wearing almost no clothes, but he and his men are very easily accepted by indigenous Banda. Sympathy is accomplished by giving gifts to heads of villages and Indigenous Elders are: mirrors, knives,crystal glasses, ammunition and a number of red velvet. The allure of such a simple indigenous Banda nyerahkan me the results of existing land. Even people willing to meet the demands of Banda nutmeg and mace in the grand total.The Dutch seem to be more independent of nutmeg and mace to obtain in large quantities, especially the relatively cheap price. Netherlands to buy nutmeg at 6.45 real (Dutch silver dollars) per Bahar (522 pounds Netherlands) and mace worth 60 real per Bahar. Even when there is price inflation, but the Dutch somewhat comforted by the profit to be achieved (less than 500 percent) in the Amsterdam market.Banda Islands and then into the public arena with a large retail traders Portu gis, Chinese, Dutch, English (under the command of James Lancaster 1601) and Malay. Generally the traders to bring the various items that match the needs of people with the desire and the climate of the Banda Islands. Javanese batik traders brought, India had a drab, Chinese porcelain and other ingredients to bring drugs, the Dutch brought wool and velvet.Conversely, the presence of Dutch people are quickly familiar with the indigenous people, make sense of envy of other traders. When Fort Nassau fell to the Dutch and then let the natives as a storage warehouse of nutmeg and mace, this condition caused a split between the Dutch and the natives of Banda. Overcome this situation, the Netherlands and built a castle on the back of Fort Nassau, Fort Nassau as a protector when there is an attack from the natives.Pieter Both are arriving in Banda on 26 April 1611 with 11 fleet and then became the first Banda Gubemur General, it is necessary to establish a fort (Fort) was Belgica. According to the fort was named Fort Belgica by Pieter Both to commemorate his birth region in Belgium (Flams).Parking was a strategic stronghold, the convenience of the Netherlands provide oversight to all corners of the Banda Islands. Fort Belgica in the middle of the page there is an underground wells and tunnels that direct flower berhu Fort Nassau, which is located on the beach Neira. Built with natural materials available in the land of Banda Neira and designed according to tastes and techniques of the Dutch at the time, so be Fort Belgica as we see today.
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