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Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

tour southeast Maluku

BEACH NGURBLOATLocated 17 km from the capital of Southeast Maluku Langgur Ngilngof Village that can be taken in the course of 15 minutes from the Airport towards Dumatubun West. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world ... with the name in Bahasa Ngurbloat Beach Kei which means "Long Sand". Terbetang fine, powdery white sand along the 3 km from south to north and decorated with waving palm trees. There are also 4 pieces Tamu.tersedia Guest House for the traditional menu as well as seafood, grilled fish, Shellfish, seaweed and vegetables, sir, sir. Here can be enjoyed the atmosphere of the sunset is very beautiful ... ... ..
Located 18 km from Langgur Southeast Maluku with the travel time for 18 minutes using ground vehicles ... .. Have a beautiful beach and there are beautiful coral available for bersnorkling .. 2 pieces of the Guest House for visitors ..., At the top there is the beach with stunning sea height very beautiful. From this beach you can walk along the beach up to the Beach Neighbors Ngurbloat ...
CULTURE ESA BANDA ElyBanda village of Ely is located in Eastern North Great Kei, taken within 4 hours journey by sea vehicles. The population originated from the island of Banda. Their arrival in Kei Besar in 1621 when there were wars against the Dutch under the leadership of JP Coen. Banda Ely residents still use their original language and uphold their traditions such as art music and dance. This village is a handicraft center (handicraft), such as iron, silver and pottery. dI near Banda village in Desa Haar Ely there is a beach with beautiful coral. Around the Village has reached the mountain Ar where there is an old castle and village.

BEACH DAFTELThis beach is located in the village on the western LER Ohoilim Kei Besar can be reached within 10 minutes of Elat with Army vehicles. Beautiful views with large waves into a very pleasant place .

SPRING AND Nen Masil EVU natural bath.A pleasant place with beautiful natural scenery can be reached within 35 minutes of Langgur with ground vehicles. In addition to being recreational water sources used to supply clean water to the City Territory Langgur and Tual.

BUKIT MASBATMasbait Hill is the highest hill in Kei Kecil island with beautiful scenery from this altitude. This place can be reached from Langgur in just 10 minutes car journey with the General. Here is also a place of pilgrimage for Catholics. Here there is also a statue of Christ the King that stands on the globe that indicates that Jesus Christ will protect and bless the entire People who are in these islands.

KEI TanimbarTanimbar Island is adjacent to the Southwest Kei Kei Kecil which can be reached within 3 hours travel by vehicle sampai4 sea. Kei Tanimbar Village is divided into two: Upper Village and Lower Village. To reach the village we have to climb the ladder on which rests on teping as high as 10 to 15 meters. There are many interesting things here, ranging from architecture, art, customs and ancestral beliefs are still firmly held by its inhabitants. Tate'e Traditional Ceremony held each year to ask God and the ancestors foracquire land and sea harvest of good.

Pilgrimage PARK MGR.JOHANES AERTS, MSCA park located near the main road Langgur City. A monument remembering Deceased Bishop John Aets, MSC and the Priests who executed Japanese soldiers on July 30, 1942 during World War II. There are also reliefs History of the Catholic Church in Maluku and Papua. Relief is meceriterakan of the entry of the Catholic Church in the Land Kei since 1989. This place has become a pilgrimage place Catholics.

OHOIDERTAWUN BEACH AND ANCIENT PAINTINGSThe beach is very attractive shelter and home stays off the coast entirely made with local ingredients that the floors and walls are made of bamboo and the roof is made from sago leaves. There is also available a café for visitors. White sand beach at low tide becomes very large jutting into the sea up to more than 200 meters can be used for beach soccer facility.By doing a short trip by boat from this beach we can go to the cliff and could see the painting of the mysterious red human-shaped figures, animals, boats and sun. The locals do not know the mysterious painter simbol2 .... Here also there is a cave called the Cave of Sacred Vidnit (Door Death / Requiem ancestor).

GOA HAWANGThis cave is located in the village 15 km from Langgur Letvuan. A freshwater pool in the beautiful reflection of sunlight. In Goa dilam there is a stone that symbolizes a man holding a spear with 2 tails dog. According to local Lagenda that a man went hunting wild boar with his dog. Dog chasing prey into cola mini pigs and prey are disappearing here .. Then because tired and thirsty they were hunters and anjingnyameminum this kola water that feels very bitter at the time. Angry and disappointed because this is the hunter cursed with dirty words that lead him and his dog was changed into stone. According to public confidence around the cave that still bergentayang evil spirit on the ground.

SHIP ISLANDNext to Sathean Village, about 7 km from the capital city of Southeast Maluku Langgur there is a small island in the form of a ship. Local residents believe that there are boats of yore that used by their ancestors who came from Bali arrived in Kei. According to the legend of the sunken ship at this location and then turned to stone. In front of the island the ship is a suitable location for snorkeling activity with a blue and clean water and beautiful reefs. In Sana also has a café on the beach opposite denan meters from the island with a distance of only 200 of the island the ship. There is also a boat for hire to the island.

BEACH NGURBLOATLocated 17 km from the capital of Southeast Maluku Langgur Ngilngof Village that can be taken in the course of 15 minutes from the Airport towards Dumatubun West. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world ... with the name in Bahasa Ngurbloat Beach Kei which means "Long Sand". Terbetang fine, powdery white sand along the 3 km from south to north and decorated with waving palm trees. There are also 4 pieces Tamu.tersedia Guest House for the traditional menu as well as seafood, grilled fish, Shellfish, seaweed and vegetables, sir, sir. Here can be enjoyed the atmosphere of the sunset is very beautiful ... ... ..
Located 18 km from Langgur Southeast Maluku with the travel time for 18 minutes using ground vehicles ... .. Have a beautiful beach and there are beautiful coral available for bersnorkling .. 2 pieces of the Guest House for visitors ..., At the top there is the beach with stunning sea height very beautiful. From this beach you can walk along the beach up to the Beach Neighbors Ngurbloat ...
CULTURE ESA BANDA ElyBanda village of Ely is located in Eastern North Great Kei, taken within 4 hours journey by sea vehicles. The population originated from the island of Banda. Their arrival in Kei Besar in 1621 when there were wars against the Dutch under the leadership of JP Coen. Banda Ely residents still use their original language and uphold their traditions such as art music and dance. This village is a handicraft center (handicraft), such as iron, silver and pottery. dI near Banda village in Desa Haar Ely there is a beach with beautiful coral. Around the Village has reached the mountain Ar where there is an old castle and village.

BEACH DAFTELThis beach is located in the village on the western LER Ohoilim Kei Besar can be reached within 10 minutes of Elat with Army vehicles. Beautiful views with large waves into a very pleasant place reksreasi.

SPRING AND Nen Masil EVU natural bath.A pleasant place with beautiful natural scenery can be reached within 35 minutes of Langgur with ground vehicles. In addition to being recreational water sources used to supply clean water to the City Territory Langgur and Tual.

BUKIT MASBATMasbait Hill is the highest hill in Kei Kecil island with beautiful scenery from this altitude. This place can be reached from Langgur in just 10 minutes car journey with the General. Here is also a place of pilgrimage for Catholics. Here there is also a statue of Christ the King that stands on the globe that indicates that Jesus Christ will protect and bless the entire People who are in these islands.

KEI TanimbarTanimbar Island is adjacent to the Southwest Kei Kei Kecil which can be reached within 3 hours travel by vehicle sampai4 sea. Kei Tanimbar Village is divided into two: Upper Village and Lower Village. To reach the village we have to climb the ladder on which rests on teping as high as 10 to 15 meters. There are many interesting things here, ranging from architecture, art, customs and ancestral beliefs are still firmly held by its inhabitants. Tate'e Traditional Ceremony held each year to ask God and the ancestors foracquire land and sea harvest of good.

Pilgrimage PARK MGR.JOHANES AERTS, MSCA park located near the main road Langgur City. A monument remembering Deceased Bishop John Aets, MSC and the Priests who executed Japanese soldiers on July 30, 1942 during World War II. There are also reliefs History of the Catholic Church in Maluku and Papua. Relief is meceriterakan of the entry of the Catholic Church in the Land Kei since 1989. This place has become a pilgrimage place Catholics.

OHOIDERTAWUN BEACH AND ANCIENT PAINTINGSThe beach is very attractive shelter and home stays off the coast entirely made with local ingredients that the floors and walls are made of bamboo and the roof is made from sago leaves. There is also available a café for visitors. White sand beach at low tide becomes very large jutting into the sea up to more than 200 meters can be used for beach soccer facility.By doing a short trip by boat from this beach we can go to the cliff and could see the painting of the mysterious red human-shaped figures, animals, boats and sun. The locals do not know the mysterious painter simbol2 .... Here also there is a cave called the Cave of Sacred Vidnit (Door Death / Requiem ancestor).

GOA HAWANGThis cave is located in the village 15 km from Langgur Letvuan. A freshwater pool in the beautiful reflection of sunlight. In Goa dilam there is a stone that symbolizes a man holding a spear with 2 tails dog. According to local Lagenda that a man went hunting wild boar with his dog. Dog chasing prey into cola mini pigs and prey are disappearing here .. Then because tired and thirsty they were hunters and anjingnyameminum this kola water that feels very bitter at the time. Angry and disappointed because this is the hunter cursed with dirty words that lead him and his dog was changed into stone. According to public confidence around the cave that still bergentayang evil spirit on the ground.

SHIP ISLANDNext to Sathean Village, about 7 km from the capital city of Southeast Maluku Langgur there is a small island in the form of a ship. Local residents believe that there are boats of yore that used by their ancestors who came from Bali arrived in Kei. According to the legend of the sunken ship at this location and then turned to stone. In front of the island the ship is a suitable location for snorkeling activity with a blue and clean water and beautiful reefs. In Sana also has a café on the beach opposite denan meters from the island with a distance of only 200 of the island the ship. There is also a boat for hire to the island.,r:0,s:0&biw=1335&bih=602

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